music by starling
The Spirals: Orange (bass guitar, videography)
Brett Huus: The Many Disguises of Zero (co-producer, bass guitar)
Ragani: Ancient Spirit (choir member)
Umberto Vata: OSIS.HoyGuru (guitar and organ)
Hans Mayer: Tomorrow Never Comes (co-songwriter)
Starling-Huus: Quiescence (bass guitar)
Starling's songs have also been performed and recorded by other artists including the Bella Brutto band's interpretation of Go Beater Car Go showcased in the video above.
Mike Starling's original music is heard on numerous recordings and soundtracks, and his stories and photos have been featured in books, films, mags and other media.
This is the music page on the official website of the writer, artist and musician Mike Starling. Starling on bass photo by L Hinzman. Sons of Distortion album cover illustration by Chris Gall. Orange cover painting by Robert Froh. Umberto Data cover design by Mark Truesdell. Many Disguises of Zero album cover design by Anna Nirva. Looking for Something album cover photo by Robert J. Hurt. Ancient Spirit cover photos by Eno Yaw/cover design by Ragani. All other photos and art on this page by Starling. Website developed and managed by Nine Volt Media. ©MMXX-MMXXV. All rights reserved.